
To imagine, to design and to realize

We provide creative solutions !

1ventive is dedicated to the creation of innovative technologies, we are driven by a scientific spirit to make “science at the service of human” a reality, so we consider these new technologies have to provide positive answers to the needs of the community. Having this in mind, 1ventive focused at first to topics related to health risk prevention, as well as sustainable energies. These Research & Development activities are carried out by applying an Intellectual Property strategy, and are therefore guided with concerns for differentiation and innovation, allowing to protect by patents the solutions created by our Research labs.



We are constantly looking to identify needs with high innovation potential and promising outlets where we can bring our contribution. We also conduct regular reviews of scientific and technical publications as well as patents to keep abreast of the state of the art of technologies in our areas of expertise.

Research & Development

Research & Development

The intersection of identified needs and possibilities of differentiation from the state of existing techniques determines our Research & Development axes by positioning ourselves on innovative solutions for which there are expectations. The technologies concerned mainly involve the use of physical properties, of electronic components and computer software.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property

We cannot consider leading innovative Research & Development projects outside of an Intellectual Property process for the corresponding inventions. Patents protect and materialize the results of our Research and Development activities. Intellectual Property is also a means of showcasing 1ventive with a quantifiable image of innovator.



The production of functional prototypes makes it possible to test and validate the activities carried out in Research & Development, and to be able to conduct experiments and demonstrations. This is also a step before being able to propose any development kits.

Intellectual Property Marketing

Intellectual Property Marketing

As part of our Intellectual Property strategy, we propose technology transfers by assigning our patents or by establishing license agreements of the rights to use our inventions to interested companies.

find out more ...
Product Marketing

Product Marketing

Some of the technologies resulting from our Research & Development activities may be embedded in products marketed directly by 1ventive, or through distributors. This is only applicable to technologies for which 1ventive has retained the full intellectual property rights.

Our teams

Our teams

Our teams are made up of engineers who have had multiple professional R&D experiences in an international environment in America, Europe, and Asia. Some of our engineers have also been heavily involved in the generation of Intellectual Property and are the authors of numerous patents. This intercultural environment conducive to fruitful exchanges of ideas and experiences is a great wealth, a source of creativity and innovation, so we have the ambition to geographically expand our activities throughout the world.


1ventive is based in Europe (Rennes – France) and plans to expand its R&D activities in the United States (Miami – Florida) in the near future.


Left : Miami (FL – USA)

Right : Rennes (FRANCE)
Miami Rennes

Legal notice


1ventive SAS with variable capital, with a share capital of € 30,100.

Headquarters :
6, rue François Menez
35700 RENNES

RCS : Rennes 897 410 379
VAT : FR 29 897 410 379
APE : 7490B

Website : https://1ventive.tech

Contact : https://1ventive.tech/to-contact-us/

Responsible for publication : 1ventive Presidency.


OVH SAS with capital of € 10,069,020

2 rue Kellermann

Website www.ovh.com

Contact : contact@ovh.com


Visuals :  WordPress database, royalty-free image banks.

Use of the 1ventive trademark

The word brand mark 1ventive is registered in France with the INPI under the reference 4695895.

The figurative brand mark 1ventive is registered in France with the INPI under the reference 4876361.

Terms of use and GDPR

(General Data Protection Regulation)

The purpose of these conditions of use is to define the terms and conditions governing the relationship between users and 1ventive. In the event of non-compliance with the terms of these conditions, 1ventive reserves the right to take any measure likely to protect its interests and in particular to ensure their execution.

The user undertakes during each of his visits to the platform to comply with all of these conditions without any restriction. Consequently, the user acknowledges having read the conditions and agrees to be bound by these provisions. If the user accesses the platform on behalf of a company or any other legal entity, he is nevertheless personally bound by these conditions of use.

1. Purpose of the website

This website aims at presenting 1ventive and its activities, it does not use cookies.

Any use of the platform not compliant to its purpose is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of its provisions.

2. Access to the website

1ventive implements the technical solutions necessary to allow continuous access to the site for the user. However, 1ventive reserves the right to limit or suspend access to all or part of the site at any time, and without prior notice. Such interruption may in particular be made necessary for maintenance reasons of the site or its content, or for any other reason deemed necessary for the correct functioning of the site.

Use of the platform requires a connection and an internet browser. The platform is accessible at the following address: https://1ventive.tech/. In order to guarantee the correct functioning of the site, it is specified that the site is optimized for the latest versions of current browsers.

All necessary hardware and software for access to the platform and its use remain the sole responsibility of the user.

3. Report

The user has the option to report 1ventive about any illegal or clearly inappropriate behavior or content. Such notification may be made by post or by electronic contact at the address of the headquarters indicated in the legal notice of the website (editor section).

4. Platform usage

Users refrain from :

1.     to transmit, publish, distribute, record or destroy any material, in particular the contents from 1ventive, in violation of the laws or regulations in force concerning the collect, processing or transfer of personal informations ;

2.     to disseminate data, information, or content which could be considered defamatory, abusive, obscene, offensive, violent or inciting to violence, or of a political, racist or xenophobic nature and in general any content which would be conversely to the laws and regulations in vigor or morality ;

3.     to transmit or communicate sensitive information without prior setup of a confidentiality agreement (NDA). Apart from such an agreement, any communication or any document sent to 1ventive by contact form, by email or by any other means, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or the like, will be considered non-confidential and may therefore be used by 1ventive for any purpose, and in particular for the development, manufacturing and marketing of products ;

4.     to reference or create links to any content or information available from 1ventive's sites, except with the express, prior and written consent of 1ventive ;

5.     to use information, content or any data available on the website in order to offer a service considered in competition with 1ventive ;

6.     to sell, exchange or monetize information, content or data available on the platform or the services offered by the platform, without the express written consent of 1ventive ;

7.     to practice reverse engineering, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to obtain the source code in relation to any underlying intellectual property used to provide all or part of the services ;

8.     to use software or manual devices or automatons, coding robots or other means to access, explore, extract or index any page of the site ;

9.     to endanger or attempt to endanger the digital security of 1ventive. This includes attempts to monitor, scan or test the vulnerability of the system or network or to violate security or authentication measures without express prior authorization ;

10.     to counterfeit or use the products, logos, brands or any other element protected by the intellectual property rights of 1ventive ;

11.     to simulate the appearance or operation of the site, for example by performing a mirror effect ;

12.     to disrupt or disturb, directly or indirectly 1ventive, or to impose a disproportionate load on the infrastructure of the site, or to attempt to transmit or activate computer viruses via or on the site.

It is recalled that breaches of system or network security may lead to civil and criminal prosecution. 1ventive verifies the absence of such violation and may call on the legal authorities to prosecute, if necessary, users who have participated in such violations. Users undertake to use the site fairly, in accordance with its purpose and the legal and regulatory provisions, these conditions and current practices.

5. Intellectual Property

The content of the site, in particular the designs, texts, documents, graphics, files belong to 1ventive, the sole holder of all the related intellectual property rights.

Any representation and / or reproduction and / or partial or total exploitation of the contents and services offered by 1ventive, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written authorization of 1ventive, is strictly prohibited and would be liable to legal proceedings.

6. Personal data

We receive and process a certain amount of information, which may include personal data provided directly (first name, last name, email address, company name and address) by filling in a contact form provided for this purpose on our website. It is the same for the data communicated when you carry out with 1ventive exchanges by post way or by e-mail. All personal data available to 1ventive are collected lawfully and fairly.

These data are provided by users who voluntarily and expressly accept the terms and conditions authorizing 1ventive to process these data in order to allow the user to communicate with 1ventive, to establish working relationships and to prevent any fraud. They are kept by 1ventive as long as necessary for the working relationship between the user and 1ventive.

The user always remains the owner of the private information transmitted to 1ventive. In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and according to its consolidated version of March 24, 2020, the user has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data, as well as right to oppose the communication of these data to third parties for valid reasons.

The user can exercise his rights by post or by electronic contact at the address of the headquarters indicated in the legal notice of the website (editor's section), a response to the user's request will be sent to him within 30 days.

7. Responsibility

It is recalled the data published by users and the information shared by them can be intercepted and used by other users or third parties. In this way, 1ventive cannot not guarantee the respect of the ownership of this data, it is the responsibility of the user to take all the necessary measures to preserve the ownership of his data.

1ventive does not guarantee the uninterrupted or error-free operation of the services, in particular, 1ventive cannot be considered liable in the event of interruption of access to the platform due to maintenance operations, updates or technical improvements.

In any case, 1ventive cannot be responsible under any circumstances for indirect or unforeseeable losses or damages of the user or any third party, which includes in particular any missed profit, any unfortunate investment, inaccuracy or corruption of files or data, image or commercial damage, loss of turnover or profit, loss of clientele or loss of opportunity linked to any title and on any basis whatsoever. In addition, 1ventive cannot be held responsible for any delay or non-performance of these conditions of use justified by a case of force majeure, as defined by the case law of French courts and tribunals.

Likewise, 1ventive cannot be held responsible for malicious programs (in particular viruses, Trojan horses) which could infect your computer equipment or any other hardware or software, nor for loss or alteration of data following your access to the site and to its use (including downloads from the site).

1ventive cannot be held responsible for links to other sites. These are provided to you for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for linking to any page outside the site or to any other site.

8. Convention of evidence

Computer systems and files are authentic in the relationship between 1ventive and the user.

Thus, 1ventive may validly produce, as part of any procedure, for the purposes of proof, the data, files, programs, recordings or other elements, received, transmitted or stored by means of the computer systems operated, on any digital or analog media, and to rely on it unless there is a manifest error.

9. Indivisibility

The fact that any one of the conditions of use is or becomes illegal or unenforceable will in no way affect the validity or enforceability of the other stipulations of the conditions.

10. Settlement of disputes

The conclusion, interpretation and validity of these conditions of use are governed by French law, regardless of the user's country of origin or the country from which the user accesses 1ventive and notwithstanding the principles of conflicts of law.

In the event that a dispute relating to the validity, execution or interpretation of these conditions would be brought before the civil courts, it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Rennes (France) to which jurisdiction is expressly attributed, even in the event of summary proceedings or multiple defendants.

The user is informed that he can in any case resort to conventional mediation or any alternative dispute resolution method (conciliation for example) in the event of a dispute

11. Applicability period

These conditions of use are concluded for an indefinite period, the user is required to respect them from the start of his use of the services.

1ventive reserves the right to modify this document at any time and without prior notice. Users will be notified of each update of the document.

Advantages of getting Intellectual Property rights :

  • save time and money :
    - To develop oneself a new technology is long, so why not using an appropriate technology already available in order to reduce the time to market ?
    - To develop oneself a new technology requires skills and investments, but results are random. Why not using an interesting off the shelf technology which does not need costly developments ?
    - To prevent infringement of an existing patent, could not it be more advantageous to get the rights to use this Intellectual Property than to develop another technology bypassing this patent ?
  • grant access to new markets :
    - Getting the right to use patented inventions allows products to evolve quickly and to gain new market share,
    - Patents provide exclusive usage of inventions on a dedicated geographical area, getting the using rights reduces the risk of identical competing products.
  • perception of a dynamic and innovative company :
    - Products embedding patents are considered as innovations and provide an attractive image.

Using Intellectual Property rights has to be considered in a similar way as using electronic or mechanical components from a supplier, it is a win-win operation between inventors and patent rights users. 1ventive is open to negotiating assignment of its patents, or to licensing the use of the technologies.